Tuesday 23 August 2011

September is almost here.

Hello all,
The CNE is in full swing, which notes that shortly the school year will begin again.
With the school year starting, so does the 11th Brampton group.
The summer sure zipped by, unfortunately, our plans for a picnic and rocket launch during the summer did not quite come together. Sorry about that.
Akela, Scouter Bill and I have already attended an information session on the upcoming Popcorn campaign, PROJECT Popcorn. There are some pretty cool things to show and tell you about.
We have a lodge booked for the fall camp (Sept 30, Oct 1 and 2)and a theme for the fall camp has been selected. The theme has something about this quote "Do or do not, there is not try"
Things are starting up and emails will be coming out shortly.
Enjoy what is left of the summer and see you all soon.
Bill Dewar
Group Commissioner

Thursday 16 June 2011

Group Picnic June 23rd

Hello all,
We will have a group family picnic Thursday June 23 at Eldorado Park from 6:30pm onwards.
We will attempt to get part of the main pavillion for our use, the park operates on a first come, first get usage basis. Please eat dinner prior to coming to the picnic.
The picnic is potluck, bring a few desserts or snacks to share. Please bring your own chairs.
We will have some fun to wrap up this past season.
Hope to see you all there.
Bill (aka Hawkeye)
Group Commisssioner

Tuesday 14 June 2011

Summer is almost upon us.

Hello All:
Well – we are coming to the end of the Scouting Season and I must say it has been a great one!
After attending the Cuboree and Beaveree these past two weekends, I noted that the 11th Brampton is by far and away, above the crowd in activities and program.
A very BIG THANK YOU to all the leaders for making this a fun year for our children, with tons of activities and opportunities to learn and grow.
Also, another MONSTER BIG THANK YOU , goes to Rainbow, Yvette, Akela and Hathi, for attending Camp Everton two weekends in a row, for the Cuboree and Beaveree. One weekend as Kitchen help and the other weekend as program leaders.
I know Akela and Chatter have listed the things that we have done over the past year in their emails and it is quite a list, I am proud of that list and the program the leaders put together this past year. It is a group effort and our leaders are tops.
I believe that attending the Cuboree and Beaveree in tents (yes, in the rain) was a first for 11th Brampton.
We will be holding one more event prior to the end of school for the entire group, information to be sent out as soon as we finalize the details.
Over the summer, we are going to try to have a rocket launch session on a Saturday or Sunday. We are working on that, once details are firmed up, we will send out an email.
Lastly – 11th Brampton is already preparing for next year. All the current leaders are returning next year, but, to ensure programming and ratios, both sections could use a few more leaders. ANYONE who would like to be a leader next year, please contact myself, Akela or Chatter. We can answer questions you might have.
I would like to keep the 11th Brampton performing at its fullest.
Beavers and Cubs, remember to tell your friends how much fun you had this year!
Please enjoy a safe and joy-filled summer!
It Starts with Scouts.
Bill Dewar, Group Commissioner